Matt Cutts Blog Hacked

I just checked at Matt Cutts Blog at MattCutts (dot) com and it has been hacked by a group called the Dark Seo team. Matt is a top engineer at Google, and these guys have been out to get him for quite a while to prove a point. On second view, I bet this is…

Just Say No Is Still a Good Idea

Please don’t take the below as medical advice. It is an editorial from me the editor! Ask your doctor before you do anything regarding drugs. Chiropractors can not give drug advice. This is just a commentary on our culture! It is funny how decades can pass and a good idea is still a good idea….

Celebrities Who Get Chiropractic

Over the years I have worked on my own handful of celebs. With the current laws I can not disclose who any of them are. We have however worked on CEO’s of some of the largest corporations of the world, actors, singers, models, and on down the line. The people with the most access to…

Simplicity of San Diego

San Diego is an amazing town. It is easy to live in, almost too easy. I find as a common thread in all of us a love of a simple, non pretentious, relaxing life. The best thing to do in San Diego is just being here. When we all have a break, almost all of…

Chiropractic and Blood Pressure

There is quite a bit of buzz on the internet right now about a study done at the University of Chicago showing that at least in their study chiropractic lowered blood pressure. A few years ago we did an informal study at our office, where we took a few random people whose blood pressure was…

San Diego Chiropractic Billing Relief

Well, if you have been reading my blog, you know that I have been up until late at night almost every day getting our billing department in perfect order with Reagan leaving. We now have one of the absolute best billing departments I have ever seen in chiropractic. Making it just perfect involved consultations with…

Thank You Tina!

I want to thank Tina Peden for the excellent and nice things she has been writing about our site lately. We are in her gratitude! She has a few blogs, and has written some nice things about some of my blogs. Her blogs are on all kinds of different subjects. It appears that she is…

Chiropractic Pregnancy and Birth Theory

I am going to start this one out with a strong legal disclaimer. What I am writing about here is purely a theory. It is not fact. Do not act on it without speaking to our doctor first. In fact I will go so far as saying to talk to your OBGYN before even reading…

Chiropractic and Beauty

We all love beautiful things. In fact most of us prefer to be one of those beautiful things! For most of us, (author included) we were born with very average looks. Maintaining maximum beauty (or for the dudes maximum good lookingness) then goes toward maintaining a healthfull and youthfull apearance. It is amazing how many…

Our step toward creating a chiropractic art form.

Arts and artists have never developed very much work around the field of chiropractic. If you think about it M.D.’s have had movies, television and books for as long as their field and those mediums have existed. They have stories of glowing doctors and their beutifull nurses handing over the majic spoon full of elixer…