More about the Chiropractic Board

More of what happened in Sacremento is coming out. It appears that Dr. Richard Tyler took on the positions of Executive Director and also the Chairman of the board. It turns out that law does not allow this to take place. I called the board today and offered them my help. I promise you that…

San Diego Fog

It was beautiful today. The fog rolled in like it was San Francisco, not San Diego. We stood there while the sunny sky was laced with white wispy clouds that turned into a dense fog.

Chiropractic Short Story Contest – Win $50 Amazon Certificate

Well I finally took the plunge and started it! Chiropractic has never had its heroes and heroines of fiction. Believe me in real life there have been the heroes and the villians of chiropractic, but little or never in fiction. We are looking for short stories on chiropractic. I want to see super heroes, and…

Thank You Arnold!

The chiropractic world is abuzz with what took place yesterday in Sacremento. Arnold Schwarzenegger, our gov has apparently kicked out some of the members of the state board of chiropractic, and replaced it with new people. One of the key members is Franco Columbo, two time Mr. Olympia, and also a fine chiropractor! For many…

A great child

Today we had a little girl waiting in our San Diego Chiropractic office while her mommy was being taken care of. The little girl was playing alone, while her mommy was with one of the other staff. Cheng Cheng and I were trying to put some of the final touches on our organization of the…

Jared Meyer Really Helped us out

Jared Meyer came into our office as a patient today. It so happens that he has a website that is well liked by google regarding San Diego. It is his site regarding University of Maryland San Diego Alumni club. It is the school Jim Henson who made the muppets went to. He put a great…

Herniated Disc

Many people go to the doctor and are diagnosed with herniated or bulging discs. A herniated or bulging disc simply means the gooey center is bulging out, or sticking out a little. Before you read the below about herniated discs make sure you understand the info in the chiropractic book. A recent discussion with one…

Reagan’s last day!

After being at our office for 6 years Reagan is retiring. I love her, the patients love her, the staff love her and she will be missed. Her fiance got a job he just could not refuse, so they are off to Phoenix to start their new life. She will be getting married to Blair…

San Diego Bloggers

I am about to start a search for San Diego bloggers. If you happen to come across this, then send me an e-mail. You can find my e-mail on the main part of my site. I want to get together as many San Diego bloggers as I can as a group. Maybe a sort of…