Kids On Drugs in San Diego and Chiropractic

This page of the blog is a fictitious story. The story would probably fit about a hundred thousand kids in the U.S. though. It is not a true story, but it reads like one. I met a kid this week here in San Diego. She is in her early teens. When she was younger she…

Chiropractic Adjusting Tools

We had a great experience today at the office regarding our website, and its comunication with the world. We had an amazing new patient come in today. I would love to tell about her in detail, but she might sue me 😉 She had gone to a chiropractor in the bay area who had used…

Put a little Algae in your body

Almst every morning I have a glass of a green drink called Alive. It has just about every vitamin and mineral known to man, but the reason I drink it is because of teh algae in it. Being in a chiropractor in San Diego as long as I have, I have come to one conclusion….

Chiropractic Flexibility to Handle Emergencies

We saw a new movie today with Dick Van Dike. If you were born after 1970 you may not know who he was. He was, and still is a brilliant comedian. He was famous for walking into a room at the beginning of his show, and tripping over the foot rest, and tumbling. In the…

Long Term Healing

Tim Noakes wrote in his book ‘The Lore of Running’ that in addition to weekly rest, a runner should take a month or so each year for their long term injuries to rest. After a week of rest I would have to say I recomend the same for chiropractors. Repetitive work, such as what chiropractors…

tired and driving

We just checked in to a little motel after driving for most of the evening. We were extra careful because it is New Years Eve and I know that many of the other drivers have probably been drinking. After a time I started to become sleepy and decided to call it a night and check…

First Picture of Influenza Virus

Today the first picture of an influenza virus was released. It was made by a computer. When you see it, it is hard to imagine how a virus can cause so much damage. A body is made of cells. Those cells have at their center a D.N.A. molecule. The D.N.A. is the orination of the…

From My Blackberry

I am sitting in a cofee shop in San Francisco. This is being written on my Blackberry. Tech – Respect

The Death of Saddam

The big story today is the death of Saddam. I will leave the politics aside. What actually happens to someones body when they die? How do we define death? It is simply the ending of the nervous system. It is the cessation of function of the nervous system. In chiropractic we work to simply keep…

San Diego Chiropractor in San Francisco

Well we made it! We spent the morning in the old Carson City Mint, now a museum. Without giving away the finale, make sure to stop there and ask to see what is in the basement. It was one of the coolest low tech things I have ever seen in a museum. It is literally…