I am so excited about wordcamp I am going to pee in my pants!

Sure the title may not be too profesional! But I really am that excited. I feel so fortunate to be part of history. The internet is really still in its infancy, and the creators of real honest, not just trying to sell you something content is a huge deal. History is being written daily by…

Gypsy Boots A Health Icon

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my grandmas death, Frieda Klein. She lived to be 95. About a month from the end, she asked me to stop doing all of my crazy natural health tricks to keep her alive, she was ready to go. She was way ahead of her time. She exercised, took…

San Diego Bug Invasion

A few weeks ago I saw bunch of weird bugs climbing all over our patio. They looked like this. Then a little while later my wife went outside and said “Hey what the heck is this? and we found all kinds of things. I studied them a while and realized that after the above guy,…

Pomegranates and Japanese Melons The Drain Cleaner of Your Body

The quick summary is that recent studies have shown that Pomegranate juice and Certain Japanese melons work on the bodies arteries like drain cleaner. (I have no financial connection at all with Pomegranates or Japanese Melons!) The studies and articles quoted below show increased blood flow of up to 40% in people just by drinking…

Word Camp 2007 What’s up? a.k.a. wordcamp

This blog is written using wordpress. There is an informal kinda quirky cool conference coming up for users of it called word camp. I am almost ready to make the commitment to go there. Matt Cutts, one of Googles developers has said he is going, and that makes a pretty strong statement. I have yet…

San Diego 4th of July – The Best Ever!

Today was one of the best 4th of July’s I have ever had. Slept in. Drove to Whole Foods. They had killer samples. The best ones were these swirly cookie, chocolate things, and they had a huge container of them. I took more than one. 🙂 We bought Macaroni Salad, Cherries and potato chips. We…

Google Gives the Health Marketing World a Checkup

As anyone who knows me well at all knows is that I have a crush on Google. Google has been a great and powerful girlfriend to me who sometimes hasn’t spoken to me, and sometimes can’t stop talking about me. Chiropractic has not yet quite caught up to the internet, and in fact most health…