Breathtaking Patients

Recently, we have had some spectacular moments at Seaside. I’ll give you a couple of glimpses. If you’re a local at Seaside I’m sure you have noticed what feels like an invasion of friendly forces. Our work with veterans in San Diego and with the VA has taken off like a wildfire. First we had…

Chiropractic Seminars and Junk Science

I love chiropractic. I mean I really LOVE chiropractic. Even before I knew what it was when I used to crack my own knuckles or when Paul Swain first taught me how to adjust my midback in my high school water polo days, by grabbing my foot and sticking it out to the side, (I…

We are looking for a chiropractor in San Francisco!

If any of our readers know of a chiropractor in San Francisco, we are looking for someone who would be interested in being featured on this page. As you may have noticed, we are creating pages on this site that feature chiropractors in different parts of the world. If you know of anyone who would…

Celebrities Who Get Chiropractic

Over the years I have worked on my own handful of celebs. With the current laws I can not disclose who any of them are. We have however worked on CEO’s of some of the largest corporations of the world, actors, singers, models, and on down the line. The people with the most access to…

Upsurge of Chiropractic in Wales

I read an interesting article about chiropractic in Whales on the BBC website. Traditionally in the British Isles there we people called Bone Setters. They were a very crude, yet very helpful profession for hundreds if not thousands of years. It is coming back around again the area of Whales with a chiropractic training center,…