We are looking for a chiropractor in San Francisco!

If any of our readers know of a chiropractor in San Francisco, we are looking for someone who would be interested in being featured on this page. As you may have noticed, we are creating pages on this site that feature chiropractors in different parts of the world. If you know of anyone who would…

San Diego Housing Prices as a Roller Coaster

This guy was a genius. He came up with a roller coaster as a model for housing prices in the U.S. He used data that had adjusted housing prices for inflation. I think anyone who is thinking of buying a home in San Diego needs to see this. I personally predicted a big real estate…

Have you been to a Victoria Chiropractic office?

I am doing a little experiment tonight, and if you want to follow along, just keep checking the blog. (Mike, this means you!) I am looking for someone with a Victoria Chiropractic office. If I can find a chiropractor in Victoria that I trust, it may be the first chiropractor other than myself that this…

Search Engine Optimization in San Diego, San Diego SEO!!

San Diego SEO is an upcoming field. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is the study of how to get your website to do well in the Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. San Diego Search Engine Optimization is an up and coming area. For the time being there is…

Dizziness Whooshing and Chiropractic in San Diego

As always this is not medical advice. Ask your doctor before you do anything. But please, please read the letter discussed in my blog! I wonderful beautiful girl came into our office a week ago. She is an attorney. She was referred in from another friend of hers who is an attorney. If you read…

Trish needs some help at UCSD!

I know how many people read this site, and a friend of mine needs an admin assistant. She wants someone bubbly and friendly with great customer service skills, to help her help the students at the college she runs at UCSD. It is called Eleanor Roosevelt College. The person in addition to being a great…

Matt Cutts Blog Hacked

I just checked at Matt Cutts Blog at MattCutts (dot) com and it has been hacked by a group called the Dark Seo team. Matt is a top engineer at Google, and these guys have been out to get him for quite a while to prove a point. On second view, I bet this is…

Just Say No Is Still a Good Idea

Please don’t take the below as medical advice. It is an editorial from me the editor! Ask your doctor before you do anything regarding drugs. Chiropractors can not give drug advice. This is just a commentary on our culture! It is funny how decades can pass and a good idea is still a good idea….

Celebrities Who Get Chiropractic

Over the years I have worked on my own handful of celebs. With the current laws I can not disclose who any of them are. We have however worked on CEO’s of some of the largest corporations of the world, actors, singers, models, and on down the line. The people with the most access to…

Simplicity of San Diego

San Diego is an amazing town. It is easy to live in, almost too easy. I find as a common thread in all of us a love of a simple, non pretentious, relaxing life. The best thing to do in San Diego is just being here. When we all have a break, almost all of…