Putting in the Network

One of our patients has voulunteered to help me set up the network. I was amazed in my little experiment at home just how difficult it was to network a few computers. Now if you know how to do it, I predict that it will be pretty effortless, but when I tried to network our two home computers together, I failed. When i tried to set up a printer at home that could be connected to wirelessly from the two laptops to the printer, I failed.

It appears that even with a fair amount of computer knowledge, it still requires a fair amount more of technical networking knowledge to get the whole thing to work. Not for the timid! On the other hand I also bought a very detailed book on Networking in the Dummies series, and it was still very hard to understand.

Here is a bit of recap of my saga to make our San Diego Chiropractic office paperless if you have not been keeping up to date.

Getting a tablet that you could write on the screen.

The decision to go paperless 

Paperless Research

The  computer that you can write on its screen

Medisoft and EMR

EMR Report and the Experts Uncovered

The Discovery about EMR and Time Saving

The search for great customer service

Creating a new body diagram 

Paperless, EMR and Medisoft info from a real Expert

The Choice on Medisoft Resellers

The Computer Decision

Setting Up a Router for Home

The surprise Lenovo purchase

So that leaves us where we are. This upgrade to the new machines and software should be done within a few weeks, and it will take our little San Diego chiropractic office, up to the next level!

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